The Delaware SeaSide Railroad Club is a 501(c)(3) 
non-profit educational charity organization. Our mission is to preserve and promote the history and hobby of model railroading.

Our club activities include:
  • School projects - teaching school children how to design and build a model railroad.
  • Two Annual Train Shows at the Hope Center, Ocean View, DE, May and September
  • Monthly meetings and newsletters
  • Clubhouse Operating Displays in O, S, HO, N and G-Gauges Open to the Public
  • Operating O-Gauge modular layouts at various venues around the area
  • Community Support with Holiday Parades
  • Library and Senior Center Displays

Delaware SeaSide Railroad Club
36668 DuPont Boulevard (Route 113), Selbyville DE 19975 
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 479 Ocean View, Delaware 19970     
Phone:  302-448-5654
All gauges......All fun
Most recent page update: March 10, 2025
Seaside Model Railway Museum
Contact Us

The Spring Fling Train & Toy Show, sponsored by the Delaware Seaside Railroad Club sponsors takes place at the Hope Center, located at 97 Central Avenue, Ocean View, Delaware 19970.The show is open to the public and admission tickets can be purchased at the door on the date of the show. In addition to a large dealer sales floor, operating layouts, a full concession stand, and door prizes are featured. Click on the advertisement poster above to navigate to the Train Show page for more information.    
DSRC on CoastLife TV
This segment aired on WRDE TV, Our Local NBC Channel, on Monday, November 25, 2024 
Congratulations, your generous donations put us over the top and we achieved our Do More 24 goal. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed. Visit the Seaside Model Railway Museum in Selbyville to have some fun and see your contributions in action.

Museum Hours: Wednesdays 5-7 pm and Saturdays 10 am to 3 pm